Youtube application ID
Required if Youtube is used (not required if you just want to use Youtube single videos and you will be providing video thumbnail, title and description yourself).
Register here: and create new project, enable YouTube Data API, go to Credentials, create Browser key and enter API key.
Facebook application ID
Required for Facebook social sharing. Register here: and enter App ID.
Vimeo Client Identifier
Required if Vimeo is used (not required if you just want to use Vimeo single videos and you will be providing video thumbnail, title and description yourself).
Register here: and create new application, and from Authentication tab get: Client Identifier, Client Secrets and Access Token.

Error with File Permissions. If you want to use Vimeo API, Please set write permission (755) to your wp-content/plugins/apmvp folders to make sure Player can save Vimeo access data.
CURL not enabled. If you want to use Vimeo API, Please enable CURL.
Vimeo Client Secrets
Vimeo Access Token